The End of Strategic Stability? Nuclear Weapons and the Challenge of Regional Rivalries (Georgetown University Press, 2018) with Adam Stulberg as co-editor
Islam in the Balance: Ideational Threats in Arab Politics (Stanford University Press, 2014)
Terrorist Rehabilitation and Counter-Radicalisation: New Approaches to Counter-terrorism (Routledge 2011) with Rohan Gunaratna and Jolene Jerard as co-editors
Articles in Peer Reviewed Publications
“A Middle East space race? Motivations, trajectories, and regional politics,” Space Policy (2024)
“Saddam Hussein’s role in the gassing of Halabja” Non-Proliferation Review 28:3 (Fall 2021) with David Palkki
“How Small States Acquire Power: A Social Network Analysis,” International Area Studies Review 21:3 (2018) with Jenna Jordan and Phillip Baxter
“The Ascendance of Official Islams” Democracy and Security 13:4 (2018) with Michael Robbins
“Islamic Political Activism among Israel’s Negev Bedouin Population,” British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 44;3 (2017)
“Islamic Political Activism in Israel,” Center for Middle East Policy Analysis No. 32, Brookings Institution (April 2014)
“The Rise of Official Islam in Jordan,” Politics, Religion & Ideology 14:1 (2013) with Michael Robbins
“Research Note: Documenting Saddam Hussein’s Iraq,” Contemporary Security Policy (Summer, 2011), Volume 32: Issue 2.
“Islam, Domestic Politics, and International Relations,” International Studies Review 13:1 (January 2011)
“Ideological Reorientation and Counterterrorism: Confronting Militant Islam in Egypt,” Terrorism and Political Violence, Vol. 20, Issue 4, 2008 with Lisa Blaydes
Book Chapters
“Conclusion,” with Adam Stulberg, in Emerging Technology and Strategic Stability (Routledge, 2021), Eds. Neil Narang, Todd Sechser, and Caitlin Talmadge
“Neoclassical Realism: Domestic Politics, Systemic Pressures, and the Impact on Foreign Policy since the Arab Spring” Routledge Handbook of International Relations in the Middle East (2019) with Thomas Juneau, Steven Lobell, and Norrin Ripsman
“Introduction” in The End of Strategic Stability? Nuclear Weapons and the Challenge of Regional Rivalries (Georgetown University Press, 2018) with Adam Stulberg
“Conclusion” in The End of Strategic Stability? Nuclear Weapons and the Challenge of Regional Rivalries(Georgetown University Press, 2018) with Adam Stulberg
“Egypt’s Non-Kinetic Approaches to Counter-Terrorism in the 1990s” in Terrorist Rehabilitation and Counter-radicalisation: New Approaches to Counter-terrorism (Routledge, 2011)
“Introduction” with Rohan Gunaratna in Terrorist Rehabilitation and Counter-radicalisation: New Approaches to Counter-terrorism (Routledge, 2011)
“Dealing with the Damage: How to Manage a Nuclear Iran”, in Debating 21st Century Nuclear Issues, eds. Owen Price and Jenifer Mackby (Washington D.C.: CSIS, 2007) with David Palkki
“Egyptian Threat Perception of Iranian Nuclear Proliferation: A Regional Response?” Center for Strategic and International Studies (Washington D.C.: CSIS, 2007)
Other Publications
“Quantum Sensing’s Potential Impacts on Strategic Deterrence and Modern Warfare” Orbis 65:3 (Spring 2021) with Sarah Jacobs Gamberini
Editor of Special Issue, “Emerging Technology and National Security,” Orbis 64:4 (2020)
“National Security Implications of Emerging Satellite Technologies” with Mariel Borowitz and Brian Stewart, Orbis 64:4 (Fall 2020)
“Great Power Competition Below the Line,” with Adam Stulberg and Dalton Lin, in Present and Future Challenges to Maintaining Balance Between Global Cooperation and Competition (Strategic Multilateral Assessment White Paper, 2020)
“Sudan’s government seems to be shifting away from Islamic law. Not everyone supports these moves” with Michael Robins, MonkeyCage, The Washington Post, August 27, 2020.
“Saudi Arabia, Iran and the United States,” Saudi Arabia, Iran and De-Escalation in the Persian Gulf (Project SEPAD), June 2020.
“Jordan and Qatar restore diplomatic ties, but why now?” IISS Analysis, July 31, 2019
“How States Foster Violent Extremism and What the United States Should Do About It,” Lawfare, June 16, 2019 with Nathaniel Allen and Michael Marcusa
“How states can use ‘Official Islam’ to limit radical extremism,” The Washington Post, November 3, 2017
“How to give countering terrorism a fighting chance,” The National Interest, January 17, 2017, with Jenna Jordan and Margaret Kosal
“The Strategic Illogic of Counterterrorism Policy,” The Washington Quarterly 39:4 (Winter 2017) with Jenna Jordan and Margaret Kosal
“An ISIS Containment Doctrine,” The National Interest, June 14, 2016 with Jenna Jordan
“Why Israel Outlawed the Northern Branch of the Islamic Movement,” Lawfare, December 7, 2015.
“Why the Islamic State won’t become a normal state,” The Washington Post, Monkey Cage, July 9, 2015 also published in Islam and International Order POMEPS Studies 15 (July 22, 2015).
“How Jordan uses Islam against the Islamic State,” The Washington Post, Monkey Cage, November 19, 2014.
“Who’s afraid of an ‘Islamic state’?” The Washington Post, Monkey Cage, October 2, 2014.
“Islamic Political Activism in Israel,” Center for Middle East Policy Analysis No. 32, Brookings Institution (April 2014).
“Another Mideast Battle Brews,” Atlanta Journal Constitution, March 21, 2011.
“A Typology of Soft Powers in Middle East Politics”, Dubai Initiative, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School, December 2010.
Book Reviews
Nathan Brown, When Victory is Not an Option (Cambridge 2009) in International Journal of Middle East Studies 45:3 (2013), 616-618.
Rachel M. Scott “The Challenge of Political Islam: Non-Muslims in an Muslim State,” Review of Middle East Studies, Vol. 45, No.1 (Summer 2011), 134-135
Global Rebellion: Religious Challenges to the secular state, from Christian Militias to Al-Qaeda by Mark Juergensmeyer, Middle East Policy, Vol. 15, No.4, 2008